Saturday, September 18, 2010


This is actually a good thing, BUT MY HOUSE IS A DISASTER AREA! Been cleaning for a couple of hours and only managed to get the guest bed cleaned off, some of the guest room dusted and two cups of coffee drank. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! In case you are wondering why I'm freaking out, my mom (and dad) taught me too!!! Every time company was coming over the ENTIRE HOUSE had to be SPOTLESS!!!! It's just not gonna happen... (my head is hanging in shame).
Ah, my little perfectionist alter ego still lives. :-) So much for going to the Bulgarian band concert at church!

1 comment:

  1. Um Jennifer, did you forget you were an only child?! You have 5 children, you are homeschooling and your husband is out of town. Give yourself some grace!
