Ha! Gotcha! But in all seriousness, we actually kind of are. What? How? How can you "kind of" be? All questions you're thinking, right?! Well....
Mr. Incredible and I are "pregnant" with the idea of adopting again. We see God's leading in this direction, but have some issues to overcome. #1 Vehicle, #2 Money for adoption, #3 How/Where- forgein, domestic, foster..., #4 When. (and that's the short list! :-)) Because of our current circumstances we have a leaning towards not fostering, but Mr. M is such a blessing... We just don't want to cause undue turmoil in his already turbulent life. If you could please join us in praying for God's further leading and direction, we would greatly appreciate it.
We have an empty space at our table (even if we don't have one in our van). When we are out and even at home. I keep "feeling" like we are missing someone- not a comfortable feeling.
Before we ever brought Elizabeth home I wanted to start pursuing another child and had a specific continent in mind. However, we are unsure if this is truly the direction God would have for us or if it was more about being open minded.
I guess the gentlest way to say it is we would like to pursue a little chocolate for our vanilla and caramel family.
(Seeking God's further guidance on this is also why I haven't posted a lot lately-not for lack of things to say. I didn't want to spill the beans too soon!)
After original post update: Got a call back tonight after my post from a foster/adoption agency for a call that I placed last week. God works in mysterious ways! Praying for faith in God's ways...
I gasped when I read your title! :) I think that's so awesome that ya'll are thinking about adding to your family...I'll be praying!