Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 6- Our First Day with Elizabeth

Well, we have had her now for 24+ hours. This afternoon while she
napped I finally let go. It has taken us almost two years on this
journey. A lot has transpired to get us where we are today. There have
been many ups and even more downs. MANY tears, but none of my previous
tears have been anywhere near as joyful as were todays. I have welled
up many times since coming to China this time, but I've just kept
stuffing it back down. "What if something happens?", has been in the
back of my mind for days. When I saw that Mr. Incredible posted our
moment that we got Elizabeth, combined with the fact that today she is
now ours, the ocean of pent up emotions exploded. Mr. I was concerned
that something was wrong, I tried to reassure him that I really was OK
(and I truly am). After we get the all clear from the TB test- medical
exam Wednesday, read the test Friday. That last little niggling doubt
will be a little farther. Though I am not relishing all the testing we
will need to undergo once home.
Elizabeth is definitely hearing impaired. She will sometimes imitate
sounds however. She does make sounds, but does not speak. In the last
24 hours she has eaten 20-30 GF Cheerios, 30 grains of rice, 1 drinkable
yogurt, 4 pea sized bites of egg, 2 1/2 pea sized bites of chicken, 4
spoonfuls of pureed pears and 1 square inch of watermelon. Other than a
straw for the yogurt, she only likes to be fed with my fingers. We now
affectionately refer to her as our bird. She is very possessive of
toys, her bottle and will hold food in her mouth, as was the case with
some dried apples for babies- none of them actually went down. She
still seems to be about 9 kg, we might get an accurate weight tomorrow.
She also HATES getting her teeth brushed, but LOVES bath time. Her
vision and touch senses seem to be heightened. She is always looking
around and touching. She does this great hopping move.
Mr. M asks about Elizabeth every time we Skype. I am missing my boys
for sure. I love you Z, J, M and T.
My Incredible is asleep and I am getting the night shift. He let me nap
a little this afternoon and had great fun with her while I was dead to
the world. Hopefully he will sleep better tonight. I did fine last
night, but he still woke up at 2am.
Well Elizabeth is still toddling around and acting like sleep is
something only for the old. To say she is off schedule, I believe would
be an understatement.
Hope you have a great Tuesday, we did! BTW, the size 12 mo. clothes fit
her great though a little loose in the waist. The size 3 shoes I packed
also fit. I guess all my measuring and questioning paid off. She truly
is our little China doll.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting pictures. She is beautiful and I see the love you both have for her. We all look forward to meeting her, but I know you enjoy this time with her.
