Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Health Update

Well I apparently suffered a ruptured hemoragic ovarian cyst. Without doing a laproscopic scope -it's a probably, but a fairly high probably given my symptoms and their presentation and then abatement. I got to spend all day in ER then have an overnight stay up in postpartum. That was a weird experience - I had always had a baby before when I was on that floor. My symptoms had been EXTREME pain followed by a "pop", abdominal tenderness and swelling. It was the last two after the pain and the pop that made me worried. Apparently if I had been male and with those symptoms I would have gone straight to surgery. The first thoughts were appendicitis, diverticulitis, and then finally "female trouble". Hopefully, I won't have to EVER repeat that experience again.
Lest our life become boring Mr. J gave himself a 5mm gash on the top of his head Sunday night. The blood was gushing and my first thought was another trip to ER!!!! But fortunately he got a goose egg, his eyes were responsive, he wasn't dizzy, didn't get a headache and the gash was small enough to not require stitches. Maybe that incident might curb his jumping up on the counter to get something out of the cabinet.
Today I woke up feeling the best I had in at least a week if not two and that's on five hours sleep and no coffee in days!
We have VBS this week and after how I felt yesterday I wasn't sure how the week was going to go. Of course Elizabeth's teachers think she's precious. I have to agree.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping you would give us an update;)

    Glad to hear your feeling better!.. and happy to see you at VBS today!
