9-10 Arrive in Guangzhou
9-11 Business Excursion
9-13 Tour Hong Kong?
9-14 New Family Day- Elizabeth's 26 month birthday
9-15 Adoption finalized- Our 153 monthiversary
9-16 Shopping
9-17 Tour Zhong Shan Memorial Hall
9-18 Tour Six Banyan Trees
9-19 TB test
9-20 Sightseeing to Chen family temple
9-21 Get Elizabeth's passport
9-22 Visa picture, medical exam, TB result
9-23 Guide takes paperwork to American consulate
9-24 consulate interview (this may actually be on the 23rd, waiting on clarification)
9-25 Other families in group leaving
9-26 Saved over $400 by leaving a day late. Hopefully we won't be a dollar short!
Glad to hear you finally get to travel!